If we are to believe that there is balance and order to these coalesces that spiral outward, then know this: in all other possible universes, John Dennis is a measurement of great pop music.
Here is another truth: John Dennis feels deeper and thinks faster than most others wielding music as a path. The sweetest surface and the murkiest transgression all find home and harmony within his words and melodies.
- Eric Jordan, Trickhouse Sound Curator
The Penal Code Song
To Say Hello
113 Degrees
Commode Sloat
The Ones I Like
White News
When I'm Dead
Brake Maximum
Glance Backwards
Stay of Execution
Misfit Priests
Thinking of you
Love Those Presidents
At the turn of the century, I was living in this house in Austin with my wife, my four kids, and a new dog, Sidney. Then a dang tree fell on that house. But it was okay because no one was hurt and the landlord was a pine tar licker of a douche. That house housed a part of my muse. The house still stands and I think I might live there again someday. I don’t wish the landlord dead so much as I hope he’s changed or got a rash or something. I bet he already had a rash. What a goat sniffer.
As I pumped out these tapes on my Tascam, I’d mix them down and send them in the US Mail to Eric Jordan in Oregon and Shelton Walsmith in New York. Their work has been hugely influential, mostly in terms of making me feel like I am an artist in a collective. And it feels good. Special thanks to my family and to Raphael Umscheid. So, like the Trucker’s Shift, here’s the cheapest trick of all: TARBOX.
- John Dennis, 2010 |